Monday, September 3, 2018

Back to the Classics Challenge 2018: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neal Hurston

"When God had made The Man, he made him out of stuff that sung all the time and glittered all over. Then, after that some angels got jealous and chopped him up into millions of pieces, but still he glittered and hummed. So they beat him down to nothing but sparks but each little spark had a shine and a song. So they covered each one over with mud. And the lonesomeness in the sparks make them hunt for one another, but the mud is deaf and dumb. Like all the other tumbling mud-balls, Janie had tried to show her shine."

I happily chose Zora Neal Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God for the 2018 Back to the Classics category “Classic by a new-to-you author”.   As my online friend Kathy pointed out in her excellent review at Reading Matters, readers have Alice Walker to thank for reviving interest in Hurston’s work in the mid-1970s.  

According to the Afterword by Henry Louis Gates Jr. in the Harper Perennial Modern Classic that I read (pictured), Hurston was the preeminent woman writer of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1930s. Gates suggests that her work fell into obscurity by the late 1950s and early 1960s possibly because her writing did not reflect the politics of other African Americans artists and thinkers of that era.  Gates goes on to compare Their Eyes Were Watching God with Henry James’ Portrait of a Lady. I’ve not read that novel, but I was reminded of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening because Their Eyes Were Watching God is, in my opinion, primarily about one woman’s attempt to break free of societal constraints put upon her sexuality and her ambitions.  The book does indirectly address racism, but it is incidental to the rest of the narrative.

First published in 1937, the story is about Janie Crawford who is raised by her grandmother. Nanny was born into slavery and has a conservative view about marriage and wants Janie to marry the older, financially stable Logan Killicks.  But Janie at 17 has a more romantic view of marriage and what adventure life can offer her, if she is willing to chance it.  Eventually she gets her opportunity and without giving too much away, I think that this is ultimately a very positive and life affirming book, even if there are struggles along the way.

The dialogue is written entirely in dialect while the narrative is in standard American English. This does take some getting used to and it would have been much easier to read if Hurston hadn’t imitated phonetic pronunciations quite so often. On the other hand, while I read the print version, this book in audio would be pretty amazing.


  1. Thanks so much Ruthiella! I was very eager to read your fine review of Their Eyes Were Watching God and I am so glad you liked the book. I agree it is a life affirming novel. It shows the power of love in my opinion but also the tragedy that can go hand and hand with loving someone. I think for me the saddest and most powerful part of Their Eyes Were Watching God was Janie looking up at the sky near the end of the novel for a sign from God about what was hapoening and why. Curious to check out Portrait of A Lady and the Awakening which I have also heard great things about.

    1. Thanks for the comment Kathy! I would be curious to hear what you think about The Awaking. It is revered as a feminist classic but I didn't really like it. Maybe it was the writing style that did not jive.

      But it is short, so not too much of an investment to find out if you are curious. :)

  2. I haven't read this one yet, though I've been meaning to, and after reading your review I think I just might look for the audio version of it when I do! :D

    1. Thanks for the comment Lark! I bet this book is fantastic in audio. And it is short in print so the audio would not take long either.

  3. This has been on my shelf for ages now. Maybe I should give the audiobook a go...

    1. Thanks for the comment Rob! I should actually try this in audio too. My library offers it on Overdrive, read by Ruby Dee. I listened to the first chapter as a sample. The dialect is still pretty thick, even to listen to.

  4. It has been such a long time since I've read either Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Awakening. Chopin's works are all a bit disturbing to me--as they were intended to be, but The Story of an Hour and The Awakening have stayed with me through decades.

    1. Thanks for the comment jenclair! I have only read The Awakening. I remember the part where she is shunned by her neighbors and this made me think of how, in the opening of Their Eyes Were Watching God, all of Janie's neighbors are gossiping about her. I think there are a lot of parallels, even though both women protagonists are very different from one another in terms of class, time period and ethnicity.

  5. Wonderful post! I read this a few years ago and was completely blown away by how poetic it was, and powerful. The dialect was a challenge but I got used to it, and the story and personality of Janie was incredible.

    1. Thanks for the comment Jane! Good to hear you really enjoyed this book as well. I am very thankful that Alice Walker brought this author back to light, giving more readers the opportunity to experience Hurston's work.

  6. I loved Their Eyes Were Watching God when I read it in college. I should re-read it sometime.

    1. Thanks for the comment carol! It is fairly short. So if you do ever want to re-read it it won't take long.
