I read two other books for The 1965 Club that I wanted to post about. The page count of the two books COMBINED is only a little more than half of the total page count of The Magus, which was refreshing. I read both in a matter of a couple of days. Also, both are by favorite authors of mine:
At Bertram’s Hotel by Agatha Christie is the third to last of the Miss Marple mysteries. It is probably not the best jumping in point for any reader who is new to Miss Marple since it is fairly slow and the murder comes only very near the end. Miss Marple, however, is my favorite of Christie’s detectives and I unreservedly love all the books which feature her. I just wish Christie had written more Marple mysteries for me to enjoy.
The story is that Miss Marple spends a fortnight at Bertram’s Hotel as a gift from her nephew and his wife. Miss Marple spent time at the hotel as a girl at the turn of the century and at first is delighted to discover that the establishment is practically unchanged since the Edwardian era. There is quite a bit of discussion in the book about how times have changed, in particular how young women of a certain class are not looked after by their mothers as they should.
However, soon our elderly sleuth starts to notice that the hotel is too perfect …or rather a facsimile of an Edwardian Era hotel; she begins to wonder what the hotel is fronting behind its facade. Meanwhile, the London police are also taking a closer look at Betram's since it has been linked ever so tenuously to some recent heists. But it isn’t until absentminded Canon Pennyfather, who was staying at the hotel, goes missing that the mystery really starts.
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut could have been written today it many respects. It is an angry satire about greed and America. But it was to me mostly message and not a lot of story. Personally I think Slaughterhouse-Five and/or Cat’s Cradle are better crafted. But this short book might be like music to your ears if you are left-leaning and appalled by the lack of compassion in much of the current political scene in the West.
The story (what story there is) is about two men named Rosewater. The first one is Eliot Rosewater, who is the beneficiary of an enormous corporate trust fund, the Rosewater Foundation, which he is barred from managing but from which he reaps the cash rewards. The other man is Fred Rosewater, a distant relative of Eliot, who sells insurance and while not poor, is decidedly not rich. An ambitious lawyer working at the Rosewater Foundation realizes that if he can get Eliot deemed incompetent and convince Fred to sue as the legitimate recipient of the Foundation’s funds, he (the lawyer) can make a pile of cash on the lawsuit and subsequent transaction.
There is a lot of quotable stuff in this book, but the t-shirt slogan and truest message of the book is this one, when Eliot is asked how he would baptize children. This is pure Vonnegut:
'Sprinkle some water on the babies, say, "Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule I know of, babies-: God damn it, you've got to be kind.'"
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Monday, April 22, 2019
The 1965 Club: The Magus by John Fowles
Confession #1: I actually read the 1977 revised version of The Magus, which was originally published in 1965. Alas, the revised version is what was available at the library.
Confession #2: I read most of the book in March because this baby is over 600 pages long!
The Magus was John Fowles third published novel. Today, I think he is better known for his debut The Collector or his fourth novel, The French Lieutenant's Woman. The reason I chose to read The Magus (other than its publication date) for the 1965 Club was because it is on the Modern Library's 100 Best Novels in English of the 20th Century, a list I have been slowly reading through on since 1998. I still have 25 titles left to read and cross off.
The story is narrated by Nicholas Urfe and it begins very much like a 19th century novel, "I was born in 1927, the only child of middle-class parents, both English, and themselves born in the grotesquely elongated shadow, which they never rose sufficiently above history to leave, of that monstrous dwarf, Queen Victoria."
The first 50 pages or so are Nicholas recounting his childhood and education, bringing the reader to to the present day as he is in his mid-twenties and ready to flee gray London for a teaching job at a boy's boarding school located on a remote Greek island. Also Nicholas is fleeing an intense relationship with a young Australian woman which Nicholas is too immature to handle, though he doesn't realize it at the time.
"The thing I felt most clearly, when the first corner was turned, was that I had escaped; and hardly less clearly, but much more odiously, that she loved me more than I loved her, and that consequently I had in some indefinable way won. So on top of the excitement of the voyage in to the unknown, the taking wing again, I had an agreeable feeling of emotional triumph. A dry feeling; but I liked things dry. I went towards Victoria as a hungry man goes towards a good dinner after a couple of glasses of Mananzilla. I began to hum, and it was not a brave attempt to hid my grief, but a revoltingly unclouded desire to celebrate my release."
I'm not sure if it comes across in the above quote, but Nicholas is kind of an a**hat. It is something I as a reader had to wrestle with, since the book is entirely in Nicholas' point of view and we tend to want to empathize with first person narrators.
Once Nicholas is on the island, he meets a mysterious millionaire, Maurice Conchis, who owns a private villa not far from the boarding school. It quickly becomes clear that Conchis is very interested in and possibly manipulating Nicholas, but to what end? As the book progresses, both Nicholas and the reader begin to doubt reality and question Conchis' motives. To say any more would be to go into spoiler territory. Just know that the original title of the book was "The Godgame".
I do think I would have appreciated the metaphysical aspects of The Magus more had I read it when I was younger. As a novel, it is very much a thought-experiment and it asks some really big questions about psychology, religion, mythology, free-will, etc. It is a book I admired more than I actually enjoyed.
I read this for the 1965 Club hosted by bloggers Simon at Stuck in a Book and Karen at Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings and I thank them both for this opportunity!
Confession #2: I read most of the book in March because this baby is over 600 pages long!
The Magus was John Fowles third published novel. Today, I think he is better known for his debut The Collector or his fourth novel, The French Lieutenant's Woman. The reason I chose to read The Magus (other than its publication date) for the 1965 Club was because it is on the Modern Library's 100 Best Novels in English of the 20th Century, a list I have been slowly reading through on since 1998. I still have 25 titles left to read and cross off.
The story is narrated by Nicholas Urfe and it begins very much like a 19th century novel, "I was born in 1927, the only child of middle-class parents, both English, and themselves born in the grotesquely elongated shadow, which they never rose sufficiently above history to leave, of that monstrous dwarf, Queen Victoria."
The first 50 pages or so are Nicholas recounting his childhood and education, bringing the reader to to the present day as he is in his mid-twenties and ready to flee gray London for a teaching job at a boy's boarding school located on a remote Greek island. Also Nicholas is fleeing an intense relationship with a young Australian woman which Nicholas is too immature to handle, though he doesn't realize it at the time.
"The thing I felt most clearly, when the first corner was turned, was that I had escaped; and hardly less clearly, but much more odiously, that she loved me more than I loved her, and that consequently I had in some indefinable way won. So on top of the excitement of the voyage in to the unknown, the taking wing again, I had an agreeable feeling of emotional triumph. A dry feeling; but I liked things dry. I went towards Victoria as a hungry man goes towards a good dinner after a couple of glasses of Mananzilla. I began to hum, and it was not a brave attempt to hid my grief, but a revoltingly unclouded desire to celebrate my release."
I'm not sure if it comes across in the above quote, but Nicholas is kind of an a**hat. It is something I as a reader had to wrestle with, since the book is entirely in Nicholas' point of view and we tend to want to empathize with first person narrators.
Once Nicholas is on the island, he meets a mysterious millionaire, Maurice Conchis, who owns a private villa not far from the boarding school. It quickly becomes clear that Conchis is very interested in and possibly manipulating Nicholas, but to what end? As the book progresses, both Nicholas and the reader begin to doubt reality and question Conchis' motives. To say any more would be to go into spoiler territory. Just know that the original title of the book was "The Godgame".
I do think I would have appreciated the metaphysical aspects of The Magus more had I read it when I was younger. As a novel, it is very much a thought-experiment and it asks some really big questions about psychology, religion, mythology, free-will, etc. It is a book I admired more than I actually enjoyed.
I read this for the 1965 Club hosted by bloggers Simon at Stuck in a Book and Karen at Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings and I thank them both for this opportunity!
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Back to the Classics Challenge 2019: A Glass of Blessings
Unlike the single, excellent women who have been the mainstay of the other Pym novels, the protagonist of A Glass of Blessings is a young, married woman. She and her husband, Rodney, have settled into a complacent but comfortable, childless marriage. They live with her mother-in-law, Sylvia, in Sylvia’s London home in the mid 1950’s. Between Rodney’s hours at the office, Sylvia’s assistance at home and the servants, Wilmet has little to do. She thinks she would like to do good works and she attends services at a nearby Anglican church regularly. But she hasn’t yet developed the kind of dedication or flair required for the selfless activity of organizing church bazaars or rummage sales.
A Glass of Blessings was a very low-key sort of romantic comedy; not much happens, yet subtly lots of things happen. Interestingly, it was narrated in the first person. I checked and of the six Pym novels I’ve read so far, only Excellent Women was also in first person. For what ever reason, I feel that worked better with Mildred in Excellent Women, maybe because Wimet is often fairly clueless and I often wished for some authorial confirmation that she was being obtuse.
Now that I know to look for them, I found many connections/references to other characters from Excellent Women, Less Then Angels and No Fond Return of Love as well as one to one I haven’t read yet (Jane and Prudence) which provided an added layer of enjoyment to the book. Some one needs to write a companion book listing all the characters and places and their crossovers for the entire Pym oeuvre similar to what Hilary Spurling did for Powell’s A Dance to the Music of Time series.
I read this for the Back to the Classics Challenge 2019 run by Karen at the blog Books and Chocolate for the category “Classic by a Woman”.
Monday, April 1, 2019
I managed to read the requisite six books for this challenge but I had to switch out one of the originally planned reads for another title. But let’s face it, the prompts are just an excuse to read whatever I want!

1. For my Josephine Tey book, I randomly picked To Love and Be Wise from the three titles I had left to read. I liked it. It reminded me a little of Brat Farrar. And for fans of Inspector Grant, he is very present in this one.
3. For the "New" category, I switched Out by Natsuo Kirino for The Big Clock by Kenneth Fearing. I first heard about The Big Clock from blogger Thomas at Hogglestock. It is very much in the classic mid-century hard boiled/noir vein and was very entertaining.

1. For my Josephine Tey book, I randomly picked To Love and Be Wise from the three titles I had left to read. I liked it. It reminded me a little of Brat Farrar. And for fans of Inspector Grant, he is very present in this one.
2. The Elizabeth
George book, A Banquet of Consequences, was not as terrible as I had feared. It was, in any case, better than the last
two in the series and I will probably read the next book.
4. I also really
enjoyed Lion in the Valley by Elizabeth Peters. The Amelia Peabody series, from which this title is the forth installment, has really
grown on me. The characters and mysteries are cartoonish, but fun.
I also listened to this on audio which is particularly entertaining
because the narrator, Barbara Rosenblat, is superb.
5. Similar to the Amelia Peabody series, the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series is also pure comfort reading. It is impossible not to love Mma Ramotswe and her gentle ways of solving people's problems. I also listened to almost all of The Kalahari Typing School for Men as narrated by Lisette Lecat who was very good.
6. Lastly, I liked Life Sentences by Laura Lippman but don't think it is her strongest work, though I think she is a good writer. It felt like she wanted to break out of the mystery/thriller genre and write literary fiction but felt obligated to keep the crime fiction format. I wish she had dumped the mystery aspect of the book and just written a novel about childhood secrets and adult regrets set in a racially diverse but also divisive Baltimore.
It entirely possible that these will be the only crime fiction I read for the rest of 2019 but I hope not! I do have the last Flavia de Luce novel on my TBR (just waiting for the audio to be available from the library) and I really want to tackle The Witch Elm by Tana French which I have checked it out twice and returned unread both times!
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