I think I might be laboring
under the misconception that I love Victorian era literature. The more I read,
the more I am coming to believe that I may just love Dickens and Trollope.
I was annoyed throughout most of the first half of East Lynne because the author heavily foreshadowed EVERY plot point. This is not unique to Victorian literature, of course. I also realize that this does not bother some readers; I know that people go to see Shakespeare tragedies performed even though they are fully acquainted with the knowledge of who dies at the end; however, when I read a new-to-me book, I LIKE TO BE SURPRISED. I was a little heartened when a murder mystery storyline was introduced, but then I figured out who the murderer was in about two pages …*sigh*. I also found it obnoxious that in order for this tragic novel to work, the characters had to be completely OBTUSE and never tell anyone the truth, until it is too late, of course.
I was annoyed throughout most of the first half of East Lynne because the author heavily foreshadowed EVERY plot point. This is not unique to Victorian literature, of course. I also realize that this does not bother some readers; I know that people go to see Shakespeare tragedies performed even though they are fully acquainted with the knowledge of who dies at the end; however, when I read a new-to-me book, I LIKE TO BE SURPRISED. I was a little heartened when a murder mystery storyline was introduced, but then I figured out who the murderer was in about two pages …*sigh*. I also found it obnoxious that in order for this tragic novel to work, the characters had to be completely OBTUSE and never tell anyone the truth, until it is too late, of course.
I did enjoy the second half
more; I still knew which way the train of tragedy was chugging, but I was along
for the ride by then and Ellen Wood had stopped telegraphing every move and got
a little nutty it a sort of fun, soap opera like-way with characters showing up
in disguise, some serious teeth-gnashing and self-recrimination and a wonderfully
over the top deathbed scene.
East Lynne is
considered a sensation novel, which means that people read it in the 1800s for
its scandalous, scurrilous nature. I imagine Victorians read sensation novels
in the same way one might now read true crime or harder edged fictional crime
novels; the reader can address and “enjoy” their fears in a safe setting. The back of the Oxford Words Classics
paperback edition that I read (pictured above) suggests that East Lynne
can viewed as specifically tackling Victorian ethical unease vis-à-vis divorce
and adultery. Personally, however, I
found Lady Audley’s Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon or He Knew He
was Right by Anthony Trollope to be better dramatizations of the difficulties
that many women faced in the Victorian Era in terms of divorce laws, marriage
rights and child custody.
This title was my
choice for the “Classic Written by a Woman” in the Back to the Classics
Challenge 2015 hosted at the blog Books and Chocolate. If you like high
melodrama with lots of foreshadowing, this might be the book for you, but for
my tastes, it was a bit too much.